You can eat with a fork, a knife, or a spoon...
...or you can eat with your hands.
He's eating this sandwich with his hands.
He's using his hands to eat this sandwich. |
This is a place setting.
The fork goes on the left of the plate. The knife goes on the right and then the spoon.
Click here for a good website about place settings. | |
Many Americans use the word "have" instead of "eat" or "drink."
A: What are we having for dinner?
B: We're having roast chicken and rice.
This video will help you with questions and answers for "have" in the present and past tenses. | |
But there are some other words you can use for eating and drinking. |
take a bite
Someone took a bite out of this donut.
You take a bite with your front teeth.
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chew = eat with the back teeth.
swallow = move the food down your throat
After the good goes into your mouth, you chew it, and then you swallow it. | |
lick and suck
You lick an ice cream cone or popsicle with your tongue.
You suck on hard candy with your tongue and your mouth
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suck (or drink with a straw)
The word "suck" is also used when drinking through a straw.
They're sucking on a milkshake together.
They're sucking a milkshake through straws. | |
When something is hot or strong, you sip it.
He's sipping some hot tea.
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When you want to remove food from your mouth quickly, you spit it out; however, this is considered to be impolite.
He's spitting out his wine. | |
other words for eating:
gulp / gulp down = eat fast
He gulped down his hamburger in two bites.
wolf / wolf down = eat fast
Dogs often wolf down their food when they eat. | other words for drinking:
chug = drink fast
Chug your beer and let's go.
nurse = drink slowly
She slowly nursed her glass of wine to make it last longer. |
How do you describe the way food tastes? Click here
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